Tilbake til forsiden

Møt oss på NDC Oslo 22.-26. mai

Her er fem av våre kollegaer foredragsholdere!

22.-26. mai arrangeres NDC konferansen for software-utviklere i Oslo Spektrum. På scenen er fem av våre kollegaer for å snakke om vår frontend-plattform, sikkerhet og antagelser VS virkelighet.

Her kan du lese mer om de ulike bidragene fra NAV:

Onsdag 24. mai - Bulding a dedicated platform for frontend developers at NAV

Med Hans Kristian Flaatten og Andreas Nordahl.

Om foredraget: The even the best container-based application platforms like NAIS are inadvertently better suited for microservices and more traditional backend applications, often leaving much to be desired for single page applications that have their own unique challenges.

Her finner du mer infromasjon om foredraget "Bulding a dedicated platform for frontend developers at NAV"

Torsdag 25. mai - Part 1/2: Securing Container Supply Chain Workshop

Med Hans Kristian Flaatten, Jan-Kåre Solbakken og Youssef Bel Mekki.

Om denne workshopen: “Software supply chain” is a term describing everything that happens to code from the time it leaves the developers fingers until it runs in production. The code needs to be compiled, tested, packaged and deployed, and these steps take place in a variety of systems and use lots of complex third party solutions. Our apps also depend on an increasing number of third party libraries and frameworks that we often know next to nothing about.

Her finner du mer informasjon om workshopen "Part 1/2: Securing Container Supply Chain Workshop".

Fredag 26. mai - Modelling vs Reality

Med Einar Høst.

Om foredraget: To make sense of the world, we rely on our brains' capability to form fictions that we call "categories" of things and experiences. This capability is both automatic and hidden: we can't avoid doing it, yet we don't know exactly how we do it. We know that differences and similarities play a role, but how?

Her finner du mer infromasjon om foredraget "Modelling vs Reality"